Classified Cards

Classified Cards are collections of pictures that show and classify various aspects of the world around the child. Click here for information about how to use Classified Cards with your children.

If you have access to a printer it is ideal to print the resources out on paper and cut out the cards. We have also produced a simple screen version of the activity.

As you browse the different sets of cards some will be more relevant to your culture than others. Please feel free to omit cards or combine cards from another set when using them with your children. Please note that the flags represented are the flags of the member states of the United Nations. As we develop the site we will be happy to add cards that match your specific culture and would appreciate any suggestions that you may have. We are also working to translate the resources into as many languages as possible and have included a translation template with each set of the Classified Cards. Please email translations to


Bathroom 01

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: basin, bath, bath brush, bath mat, bathroom, face flannel, mirror, nail brush, soap, soap dish, sponge, taps, toilet, toilet brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, towel rail

Languages: English, Español, Română, Pусский, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng Việt, 中文, Italiano, Français, Српски, Latviešu, Nederlands, Suomeksi, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Polski, Croatia, Deutsche, Ελληνικά, Українська, Magyar, Dansk, Greenlandic, Eesti, Gaeilge, Norsk, Czech, שפה עברית

Bathroom 02

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: bathroom, bucket, mirror, miswak, pit latrine, pit toilet, sink, soap, soap dish, tap, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, towel rail

Languages: English, Kiswahili, Français, Српски, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Deutsche, Ελληνικά, Español, Latviešu, أَ لعَرَبية

Bedroom 01

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: alarm clock, bed, bedroom, bedside table, chest of drawers, curtains, dressing table, duvet, laundry basket, ottoman, pillow, quilt, table lamp, wardrobe

Languages: English, Español, Română, Pусский, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng Việt, 中文, Italiano, Français, Српски, Nederlands, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Polski, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Greenlandic, Eesti, Gaeilge, أَ لعَرَبية, שפה עברית

Bedroom 02

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: bed, bedroom, blanket, curtains, floor mat, mattress, mosquito net, pillow, sheets, wardrobe

Languages: English, Kiswahili, Français, Српски, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Ελληνικά, Magyar


Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: blender, clock, cooker, cup and saucer, egg cup, fork, fry pan, glass, hand mixer, kettle, kitchen, knife, ladle, mug, oven mitt, plate, pot, salt and pepper mill, scales, soup spoon, spatula, tea towel, teapot, teaspoon, toaster

Languages: English, Español, Română, Pусский, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng Việt, 中文, Српски, Français, Latviešu, Slovenščina, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Italiano, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Dansk, Greenlandic, Eesti, Gaeilge, Nederlands, أَ لعَرَبية, שפה עברית

Living Room

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: armchair, book case, coffee table, cushion, fireplace, lamp, living room, nest of tables, painting, pot plant, rug, sideboard, sofa, television

Languages: English, Español, Română, Pусский, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng Việt, 中文, Italiano, Français, Српски, Nederlands, Slovenščina, 한국어, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Dansk, Greenlandic, Gaeilge, أَ لعَرَبية, שפה עברית

Cleaning Equipment 01

Media Type: Digital Illustrations

Words: apron, basin, broom, bucket, dust bin, dust pan, dust pan brush, scrubbing brush, sponge, tea towel

Languages: English, Español, Română, Pусский, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng Việt, 中文, Italiano, Français, Српски, Latviešu, Nederlands, Suomeksi, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Polski, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Dansk, Greenlandic, أَ لعَرَبية, שפה עברית

Cleaning Equipment 02

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: broom, bucket, cleaning cloth, feather duster, floor cloth, gloves, grass broom, mop, scrubbing brush, soap, sponge

Languages: English, Kiswahili, Français, Српски, Latviešu, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Ελληνικά, Magyar

Kitchen Utensils

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: casserole dish, cooking pot, corelle plate, cup, flask, fork, gourd spoon, kettle, kitchen knife, knife, mortar and pestle, palm leaf plate, plastic bowl, plate, pot, salad servers, sieve, spoon, steel bowl, stove, tin plate, winnowing tray, wooden bowl, wooden spoon

Languages: English, Kiswahili, Српски, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 繁體中文, 日本語, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Ελληνικά, Maa, أَ لعَرَبية

Household Activities

Media Type: Digital Illustrations

Words: clothes washing, cooking, dish washing, drilling, ironing, mopping, shopping, toilet cleaning, vacuuming, waste disposal, window cleaning

Languages: English, Magyar, Dansk, Greenlandic

Home Appliances 01

Media Type: Photographs

Words: blender, ceiling fan, dishwasher, fan heater, hair dryer, iron, juice extractor, mop, radiator, refrigerator, sewing machine, television, vacuum cleaner, washing machine

Languages: English, Magyar, Dansk, Greenlandic


Transport General

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: bicycle, boat, bus, car, moped, motorcycle, pickup truck, plane, sailing boat, train

Languages: English, Kiswahili, Français, Српски, Nederlands, Suomeksi, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Dansk, Greenlandic, Catalan, Maa, שפה עברית

Transport Air

Media Type: Digital Illustrations

Words: aeroplane, balloon, blimp, glider, hang-glider, helicopter, jumbo jet, rocket, seaplane, space shuttle

Languages: English, Español, Română, Pусский, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng Việt, 中文, Italiano, Français, Српски, Nederlands, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Dansk, Deutsche, Greenlandic, Catalan, أَ لعَرَبية, שפה עברית

Transport Ground

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: bicycle, bus, car, coach, motorbike, taxi, train, tram, van, vespa

Languages: English, Español, Română, Pусский, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng Việt, 中文, Italiano, Français, Српски, Nederlands, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Ελληνικά, Українська, Magyar, Greenlandic, Catalan, أَ لعَرَبية


Media Type: Digital Illustrations

Words: dump truck, food truck, minivan, off roader, pickup truck, sedan, sport utility vehicle, station wagon, supermini, tanker truck, tow truck, ute

Languages: English, Dansk, Greenlandic

Play Equipment

Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: carousel, climbing frame, climbing wall, picnic table, playhouse, sandpit, seesaw, slide, swing, trampoline

Languages: English, Français, Српски, Latviešu, Slovenščina, 한국어, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Português, Ελληνικά, Dansk, Greenlandic, שפה עברית


Media Type: Photographs

Words: climbing frame, picnic table, playhouse, roundabout, sandpit, seesaw, slide, swing, trampoline, tree house, tyres

Languages: English, 한국어, Croatia


Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: bandage, face mask, hand sanitiser, pharmacist, pharmacy, pharmacy counter, plaster, puffer, shampoo, soap, sunscreen, thermometer, vitamins

Languages: English, Српски, Slovenščina, 한국어, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Português, Magyar, Dansk, Greenlandic, أَ لعَرَبية, שפה עברית


Media Type: Deep Etched

Words: counter, mesh bag, paper bag, personal trolley, POS machine, reusable bag, scales, shopping assistant, shopping basket, supermarket entrance, tote bag, trolley, trolley return bay

Languages: English, Français, Српски, Nederlands, Slovenščina, 한국어, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Português, Ελληνικά, Українська, Dansk, Greenlandic, Norsk, أَ لعَرَبية

Supermarket Sections

Media Type: Photographs

Words: bakery, cleaning products, dairy, delicatessen, frozen food, fruit, groceries, meat, vegetables

Languages: English, Français, Српски, Slovenščina, 한국어, 日本語, 繁體中文, Croatia, Монгол хэл, Deutsche, Português, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Greenlandic, أَ لعَرَبية, שפה עברית