AMI Digital Educational Resources

AMI Digital is an accessible and affordable membership service with thousands of high-quality downloadable resources for Montessori schools, educators and families.

Classified Cards

Classified Cards are collections of pictures that show and classify various aspects of the world around the child. Click here for information about how to use Classified Cards with your children.

If you have access to a printer it is ideal to print the resources out on paper and cut out the cards.  We have also produced a simple screen version of the activity.

As you browse the different sets of cards some will be more relevant to your culture than others. Please feel free to omit cards or combine cards from another set when using them with your children. Please note that the flags represented are the flags of the member states of the United Nations. As we develop the site we will be happy to add cards that match your specific culture and would appreciate any suggestions that you may have. We are also working to translate the resources into as many languages as possible and have included a translation template with each set of the Classified Cards. Please email translations to

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Other Materials Available Free to Download

AMI is working to make available other materials. Click on the link above to access an initial range of language materials. The materials are currently only available in English.

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